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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

[REVIEW] La Tulipe Liptint #Peach Cake

Hai guys ketemu lagi sama aku. Hari ini aku lagi mood untuk bikin review tentang makeup lokal yang gemes banget kemasannya dan juga agak viral karenanya. Karena kemasannya sangat mirip sama liptint-nya Etude House. Tapi karena aku lagi suka beli makeup lokal, maka aku cobain dulu yang ini. Dan ternyata nggak terlalu mengecewakan loh guys. Pilihan warnanya pun terbatas, cuma 3 warna aja dan kali ini aku pakai yang warna peach-nya karena kemarin waktu aku beli sisa ini aja di toko. Sejujurnya ingin beli yang warna pink tapi yang peach juga bagus kok guys. Penasaran nggak sih sama ulasannya? Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, met me again XD. Today I wanna making a review about local brand makeup who's that really cute with the packaging and also a little viral because of it. Because the packaging is really same with liptint by Etude House. But because I like to try local brand, so I'll try this first. And it turns out not too dissapointing. Their color choices is limited, just only 3 colors and in this moment I'm using the peach color because yesterday only peach color that available in the store. Honestly I wanna buy the pink one but the peach color is good too. Are you curious with the review? Let's get started!

 Their Claims :
Water gel Lip Tint yang mudah di aplikasikan, terasa ringan di bibir, tahan lama, dan memberikan hasil akhir yang mengkilap. Mengandung Glycerin untuk menjaga kelembaban bibir.
Water gel Liptint that is easy to apply, feels light on the lips, long lasting color and gives a shiny finish. Contains Glycerin to mantain moisture of the lips.

Direction for Use :
Apply on the lips with the applicator and blend to the entire lips area as needed and leave it until completely dried.  

Sejujurnya, aku lebih suka sama liptint ini dibanding liptint-nya Wardah. Apalagi 2 liptint ini termasuk keluaran terbaru dari kedua brand itu bukan? Nah.. aku juga udah beli yang punya Wardah dan jujur banget aku lebih suka yang ini. Liptint ini dibilang kalau water-based tapi entah kenapa aku lebih merasa liptint lebih ke lip cream dibanding liptint yang water-based. Warnanya lebih pigmented dan juga lebih creamy daripada dibilang cair. Meskipun kemasannya cukup viral karena kemiripannya dengan Etude House tapi oke aja sih soalnya kualitasnya cukup bagus. Warnanya mengoksidasi sih jadi walaupun kelihatannya warna bold orange tapi ternyata setelah di aplikasikan jadi warna peach pinkish gitu. Warnanya cocok untuk yang mau pakai lipstick jenis MLBB gitu atau My Lips But Better. Apalagi yang kulitnya fair atau porcelain ini cocok banget. Kulitku termasuk di medium to fair dan cocok aja sih soalnya ada beberapa warna peach orange gitu di aku jadi kelihatan pucat tapi warna yang ini malah cocok, lebih kelihatan fresh. Tekstur liptint ini mengingatkanku pada lip cream-nya LT Pro dan kebetulan 2 brand ini masih 1 perusahaan XD. Kalau dibilang bikin bibir kering sih ya sama aja sih karena kalau aku nggak pakai lip balm ya pasti kering tapi karena aku punya masalah di bibir kering, jadi oke aja sih. Cukup awet loh dan ilangnya dikit banget waktu dipakai makan.

Honestly, I prefer this lip tint compared to Wardah's liptint. Moreover, these 2 lip tints include the latest output from that both brands, right? Also I've already buy the Wardah's lip tint and to be honest I really like this one than Wardah's lip tint. This Lip tint is said to be water-based, but for some reason I feel this more the same with lip cream than water-based lip tint. The color is more pigmented and also more creamy than watery. Although the packaging is enough viral because it's the same with Etude House but it's okay because the quality is also good. The color is oxidizing so although it's looks like bold orange but it turns out after applied to be a peach pinkish color. The color is suitable for who's wanna using a lipstick MLBB's type or My Lips But Better. Moreover for everyone who's having fair or porcelain skin, it's really suitable for you. My skin is included in medium to fair and it's really suitable for me because some of peach orange color in my skin makes me looks pale but this color is really suitable for me, looks more fresh. This liptint texture makes me remembering the LT Pro's Lip Cream and unfortunately the both brands is still in the one company. If you say it makes lips dry, it's just the same because if I don't use lip balm it will be makes dry but because I have dry lips then it's okay. It's enough long lasting and it's a little disappeared when I'm eating.

(+) Pros 
- Warnanya natural, jenis warna MLBB / My Lips But Better.
The color is natural, colors type MLBB / My Lips But Better. 
- Tahan lama, hilang sedikit saat dipakai makan.
Long lasting, a little disappeared when I'm eating. 
- Murah dan kemasannya lucu
Cheap and the packaging is so cute. 

(-) Cons 
Sedikit bikin bibir kering tapi bisa diakalin dengan memakai lipbalm dulu.
A little makes the lips dry but you can using a lip balm first. 

Price / Harga:
IDR 40.000 or something. When I buy this, I get a discount 10% so it becomes IDR 33.000.
at Matahari Department Store, Online Shop and also local cosmetic store. I buy in the local cosmetic store.  

I hope you enjoying my newest review about this viral liptint.
I hope it will help you to discover a new local lipstick,
You can ask me more about this liptint in the comment box down below,
Let's be happy everywhere, see you next time.

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