Blinking Cute Box Cat Welcome to my world. Still hard work to get my beautiful dreams!

Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

December 2017 Favorites!

Halo guys, aku kembali lagi dan akhirnya bisa bikin artikel baru. Sebenernya bulan lalu pengen bikin november faves tapi waktu dan tenaga tidak memungkinkan. Jadi sekarang mau ini bikin favorites yang bulan ini pastinya dan juga beberapa dari bulan lalu. Penasaran gak sih apa aja? Apalagi kemaren pas harbolnas atau hari belanja nasional belanja banyak banget, habisnya lucu-lucu dan lagi keranjingan produk lokal nih aku. Termasuk blog ini aku bakal bikin bilingual ya guys. Mencoba untuk mencintai produk lokal dan bahasa lokal XD. Eh kenapa basa-basi jadinya? Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, I'm comeback with new post. Honestly, last month I wanna making november favorites but I don't have a time and also energy to do it. So, now I wanna making favorites post that consist my december favorites also some from my november favorites. Are you curious about it? Therefore this month, there's so many sale especially 'harbolnas or national shopping day' and many end year sale, so I bought so many things, it's looks cute and currently I'd like to try many local products. Including this blog, I'll make this blog using 2 languages, Indonesia and English. Trying to loving local products and mother language XD. Ah wait, why I talking so many nonsense things? Let's get started!

 1. Missha M Magic Cushion #21

Sejujurnya bener-bener nggak disengaja beli ini dan nyobain cushionnya Missha. Tapi serius ini bagus. Klaimnya cushion ini medium sampai full coverage tapi di aku medium sih. Tapi itu tergantung pemakaian sih, seberapa banyak pakainya. Saat aku pakai, cushionnya jadi naikkin warna kulitku satu tingkat, sebenernya lebih ke menyegarkan wajah aja sih nggak terlalu mencerahkan banget. Karena memang kulitku sudah cerah jadi lebih ke menutupi kemerahan aja sih karena memang kulitku tipe yang pink undertone. Untuk hasil akhir cushionnya sih itu tergantung sama wajahku sih, kalo sebelumnya aku pakai sunscreen mistku ya jadinya glowing finish. Hasil akhir dari sebuah bedak itu tergantung dari pemakainya sih. Berbeda ya kalo kalian pakai makeup buat acara resmi gitu karena pasti lapisannya banyak jadi hasil akhirnya bisa dirubah. Cushion ini menurutku cocok buat yang mau light coverage atau yang makeup tipis tapi tetep kelihatan makeup. Karena biasanya aku pake CC cushion, jelas ini beda sama sebelumnya karena kalau CC cushion itu cocoknya buat yang emang kulitnya nggak terlalu bermasalah nggak nggak butuh coverage yang lebih. Nah cushion ini karena coveragenya lebih dibanding CC cushion, ini cocok buat yang mau nutupin kemerahan karena jerawat, bisa karena wajahnya sensitif kayak aku.

I have no intentional when I bought this, honestly. But seriously it's hella good. They say this cushion have medium to full coverage but when it's applied on me, it's medium coverage. But it depends on the user, how much we want to using it. When this cushion applied on my face, that's can increasing my skin tone to 1 level, honestly it's more likely to freshen up my face, not too much brightens my face. Because my skin is already fair so it's more likely to covering redness on my face because I have a pink undertone skin type. For the finish of this cushion, it depends on my skin condition, if before I'm using sunscreen mist, my face more glowing. Finish result from a foundation or powder is depending on the user. It's different when you apply makeup from MUA for big day like wedding or graduation party because it's having so much makeup step, so finish result can be changed. This cushion for me personally more likely suitable for someone who's wanna foundation with light coverage or light makeup but still wanna looks using a makeup. Because usually I'm using CC cushion, that's really different than before. CC cushion more likely suitable for someone who's don't having so much problem on her face, don't need more coverage on her face. This cushion having more coverage more than before, this hella suitable for someone who's wanna hiding her redness face because of acne, can because of sensitive skin like me. 

Price : IDR 508.000 / 14,500 원 / 27.00 USD 
I buy on their official website because I don't have time to buy it on sogo XD. It's because on the website they have so many discount.

2. Son & Park Beauty Water

Penasaran banget sama toner multifungsi satu ini. Syukurnya adalah wajahku baik-baik saja saat menggunakannya jadi aku menyimpulkan bahwa toner ini favoritku XD. Klaimnya sih tonernya tidak terlalu bikin kering ataupun lembab. Lebih seimbang aja karena dia multifungsi dan sepertinya cocok untuk semua jenis kulit. Tapi di aku lebih kayak exfoliating toner sih dibanding hydrating toner. Karena saat dipake, kotoran di kulit masih ikut keangkat padahal sudah cuci muka. Tapi efeknya nggak terlalu kering sih, tapi aku juga nggak bisa ngomong kalo toner ini melembabkan. Lebih sejujurnya aku belum merasakan efek yang nyata dari toner ini sih. Ini semacam pembersih keempatku sih setelah cuci muka. Tapi patut dicoba lho ya karena toner ini sangatlah terkenal.

I'm so curious with this multifunction toner. I'm so grateful if my face is fine when I applying this toner, so I conclude if this is my favorite. Their claims is not make dry or moisten my face. More balance, because this is multifunction toner and I think it's suitable for all skin types. But for me personally more likely to exfoliating toner than hydrating toner. Because when I applying this on my face, my dead skin and all dirt of my face is gone though I've already washing my face. But the result effect is not too dry, but I can't say it's hydrates my skin too. Honestly I don't have real effect from this toner. It's more likely fourth cleanser after I washing my face. But it's worth it to try because this toner is so famous. 

Price : Around 30 USD or above IDR 300.000
I buy their sample size first so I dunno the full size price.

3. Laneige Mini Pore Waterclay Mask

Setelah berpikir sekian lama akhirnya beli ini juga. Dulu pernah pakai clay masknya Etude House yang which is sekarang udah nggak ada tapi bagus banget buat kulit berminyak, dulu kulitku berminyak banget. Karena sekarang kulitku cenderung kering, jadinya aku bukan pecinta clay mask lagi. Tapi ini bagus banget buat pori-pori gede lho jadi akhirnya beli juga deh. Di kulitku efeknya menghaluskan dan juga sedikit mengecilkan pori-pori daerah T alias daerah yang sering banget berminyak di wajahku. Keringnya juga cepet, rekomendasi untuk dicoba.

After thinking for several times, finally I buy this. In the past, I'm using clay mask from Etude House but unfortunately it's already discontinued product but thats really good for oily skin, my skin is very oily in the past. Because of my skin currently is more likely to dry, so I'm not a clay mask lover anymore. But this is so good for big pores so I decided to buy. This mask have an effect to smoothen my skin and also tighten my T-zone area or area that mostly oily on my face. Not wasting more time to wait this mask to dry on my face, so fast. Worth it to try!

Price : IDR 300.000 or around 25 USD (I buy on Shopee because I don't have time to go to Sogo)

4. Mizzu Chrome Eyeliner Gel in Earth Brown

Akhirnya bisa mencoba eyeliner lokal juga. Bener-bener nggak nyangka bakal sebagus itu. Aku memang sudah lumayan lama banget denger brand satu ini dan cukup terkenal dengan liquid eyelinernya. Sangat mudah untuk diaplikasiin khususnya bagian dalam mata yang cukup susah tapi ini gampang banget. Warnanya cukup pigmented dan natural. Eyeliner ini cukup waterproof tapi nggak terlalu smudgeproof atau anti beleber. Tapi sejauh yang aku tahu saat pemakaian, walaupun aku nangis dan ketiduran kadang-kadang, nggak terlalu beleber banget sih. Nangisnya gara-gara facial lho ya pas ekstraksi komedo XD. Kena keringat nggak ilang sama sekali. Superb!!

Finally I can try this local eyeliner. I'm so impressed with this eyeliner, so good. Actually I know this brand for long time ago and they so famous with their liquid eyeliner. Easy to glide on my tightline that's enough hard but it's really easy to use. The color was so pigmented and natural. This eyeliner was quite waterproof but not really smudgeproof. But as long as I know until now when I applied on my eyes, although I'm cry and sometimes slumber, not too much smudging on my eyes. I was crying because of blackheads extraction XD. Exposed to sweat also not dissapear at all. Recomended to try!

Price : IDR 55.000 or 3,85 USD
I buy with 30% discount off at Sociolla when harbolnas event or national shopping day. 

5. Dear Me Matte Lip Creame in Dear Kiki

Sempat bingung harus beli brand Dear Me atau Goban. Tapi untuk aku akhirnya memilih untuk mencoba Dear Me dulu sedangkan kakakku membeli Goban. Warnanya bagus dan cocok untuk yang kulitnya medium to fair, kalo pale sebaiknya pakai yang lebih bold. Cukup awet ya walaupun udah makan sekalipun, hilang sih tapi sedikit. Pertama diaplikasikan juga nggak lengket dan teksturnya lembut kayak Nyx tapi aku lebih suka ini. Aroma lip creamnya juga enak, mengingatkanku pada eskrim. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk dicoba!

Got confused to buy between Dear Me or Goban. But for me I decided to buy Dear Me but my sister buy Goban. This color was so good and suitable for medium to fair skin, meanwhile for pale skin can try more bold color. Long lasting enough although I've already eating, it's a little dissapear. First apply is not sticky and the textures is so soft like Nyx but I like this more. The scent of this lip cream was good too, reminds me of an ice cream. Really worth it to try!
Price : IDR 89.900 or 6.29 USD
I buy with 30% discount off at Sociolla when harbolnas event or national shopping day. 

6. Ultima II Wonderwear Liquid Posh Fix in Radiant

Beli ini secara nggak sengaja dan ternyata bagus. Matte tapi nggak terlalu kering banget. Warnanya orange kemerahan dan cocok buat yang cool undertone, karena ini lebih ke bold orange jadi nggak cocok buat yellow undertone kesannya malah bikin semakin orange gitu. Warna orangenya ada yang lebih soft kok dan cocok untuk yang yellow undertone. Awalnya aku rasa baunya nggak enak dan aneh, tapi setelah lama akhirnya biasa aja sih, baunya mirip jus apel. Cukup awet dan warnanya juga pigmented. 

Buy this accidently and so good actually. Matte finish but not too dry. The color is reddish orange and suitable for cool undertone, because this lip matte more likely to bold orange so it's not suitable for yellow undertone, it's can makes you more yellow looks. There's a soft orange color and more suitable for yellow undertone. Firstly I don't like their scent and so weird but after all, it's just ordinary scent , it's reminds me of apple juice. Long lasting enough and the color also pigmented. 

Price : IDR 150.000 or 10.50 USD
I buy in Matahari Department Store.

I hope you can enjoyed my newest feature, bilingual text
See you next time.

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