Blinking Cute Box Cat Welcome to my world. Still hard work to get my beautiful dreams!

Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

[REVIEW] Biore Pore Pack Cherry Blossom Fragrance Sensation

Hi, I'm back again and again. Recently, I'm so excited to writing many review or beauty tips routinely on my blog. Tonight, I wanna share about my new beauty haul yesterday. That's pore pack or cleansing strips to reduce your blackheads and whiteheads. This pore pack say can reduce your whiteheads. What about blackheads? I think my blackheads nor whiteheads slightly reduced. And I love the cherry blossom fragrance. I don't know how sweet the real cherry blossom. But I really love the fragrance of this pore pack. It's too sweet yeah.

I can't tell you how much this pore pack worked out to my blackheads. Because yesterday I'm already try this pore pack but I forget to capture the result of this pore pack. But I will updated again tomorrow or tuesday when my schedule to cleansing my blackheads again. But I remember if this pore pack really pick up almost my blackheads well. I can tell you how much but after I remove this pore pack, my nose become soft and some of my blackheads where doesn't stick in the pore pack, being out so it can be cleaned by hand or a tissue. And the fragrance of cherry blossom is too sweet, guys.

Biore Pore Pack Cherry Blossom Fragrance Sensation Claims :
Removes blackheads with cherry blossom fragrance. To reduce blackheads of the pores. Use routinely makes pores appear smaller. Use 3 times or 1-2 times of the week.

Official Price : Around Rp.15.000 or USD 1,15 at Guardian. This Pore Pack contain 4 strips to use about a week

 I'm sorry if many mistakes from my english words. Hope you can understand my post
If you wanna ask me, you can write below or via
See you on the next post.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

[REVIEW] Laneige BB Cushion Pore Control #21 Natural Beige

Hi.. I'm back again!
Today, I will let you know my new toys aka my new makeup. It's just BB cushion and yesterday recently sent to my house. I know it's new for 2 days. But I think, I already get the conclusion to tell you guys. I really love with the result of this BB cushion because it's really natural for daily makeup without overdone.

So, let's started now...

Laneige BB Cushion Pore Control Claims :
A cushion-type pore purifying BB for a fresh-looking and semi-matte complexion all day with 6 multi benefits of Pore Control + Pore Coverage + Semi-matte Finish + Water Resistant + Soothing Effect + UV Protection.  

I love my face after use this BB cushion. It's brighten my face so well but still look natural. My face oils is more less than before I wearing this BB cushion. The final look of this BB cushion is really natural with more less oils but medium coverage. My acne still visible but not too much like I don't wearing this BB cushion. My face looks use a blush on even though that's my acne where's be covered. It's like my second skin. I think it's not any different look after I use this BB cushion. It's just look different because my acne is covered well and like I wearing a blush on. Oh, I can't tell you more how I love this BB cushion for my daily makeup. I think I'm will always ready for selfie everytime XD. I think the price worth it to this best product. If you have combination skin like me, you can try this BB cushion.

This is my face after using BB cushion for 7 hours. 3,5 hours for class with full AC and 3,5 hours for class with fan only. And I'm already wash my face for wudhu and actually the BB cream still on my face. Superb amazing, right? I think, just my liptint has been reduced. My eyebrows still on my face too. I love this so much. I can't tell you more what the reason.
And this is my face today for saturday night. I wanna tell you if my skin age is 22 years. It's increased 3 years more than my real age. But I'm so thankful because it's already decreased than 2 months ago where my skin older around 4 years. And today my skin older 3 years. I must caring my skin so well again everyday. But at least my skin there's change. If you wanna know how I caring my skin, you can look at my previous post in february. And I will post about how caring my acne soon because my acne still available now. I will post after my acne really dissapeared from my face.

Official Price : Rp.520.000 at Sogo, Matahari, Jayanata Beauty Plaza
Next, I will updated more about this BB cushion. I hope you can enjoyed it.

 I'm sorry if many mistakes from my english words. Hope you can understand my post
If you wanna ask me, you can write below or via
See you on the next post.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

My Favorite Makeup Style

Tonight, I feel really wanna writing something on my blog. Honestly, I want to you know my new makeup today. But I just tried it for 5 hours and I don't get anything to write down a conclusion for you. So, I just delaying posting about my new makeup today. But today, I will write my makeup style. Honestly, I can't wear a makeup. But it's really easy ways to still look beautiful without overdone. I just wear BB cream, eyebrows pencil and lip cream. It's really easy, right? And I'm still look beautiful yeah. Just for your information, my skin tone is fair and have redness zone. Not because sunburn. It's because every I get acne, my skin will be so red and when my skin get sunburn, my skin will be more dark but slowly will be back again as before. But it's really slowly and I really so angry when my hand being so browny XD

So, let's know my favorite makeup style. And it's really simple and you can use my style to your daily makeup.
It's so natural for your daily makeup. Everyone know if you wear a makeup. But I think it's too hard to makes they can't know about that. But I think it's too easy when you wear a makeup without overdone. But believe me.. just use your skincare routinely. It's can help you to cover your weakness. Don't care about acne, wrinkle or blackheads. Honestly, I more believe to my skincare than my makeup. Because I know the process to get my goal. Makeup just an instant way. 
And this is my bare face. I think it's not there's a different look. But if you see me up close, you will look my redness zone on my cheeks and under my nose and my mouth. That's my acne and that's makes my face being so red. Every night, I always use my lemon mask to reduce my acne and it's really help me to caring my acne. Until now, my acne actually still available. But it's has been reduced than one months ago. So, I will posting about my skincare routine for caring my acne soon. So, just wait me until my acne really dissapeared from my face.

I'm sorry if many mistakes from my english words. Hope you can understand my post..
If you wanna ask me, you can write below or via
See you on the next post.. Hope you enjoyed it.

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

My Skincare Routine : Favorite Face Masks

Dini hari ini lagi pengen bikin post about my skincare routine. Kali ini babnya tentang masker wajah favorit aku. Akhir-akhir lagi keranjingan masker tissue nih. Soalnya selain praktis, masker tissue banyak banget macemnya. Untuk ini, masker tissue yang paling favorit adalah yang kandungannya ginseng, Check it now aja deh apa aja maskernya.

1. Masker Saripohatji
Tau dong ini masker apa? masker yang fenomenal banget se-indonesia raya. Masker ini udah lama banget aku pakenya. Maybe almost 3 years. Jadi udah pernah aku review tahun 2014 lalu.

They claims : 
"Bedak sariphoatji ini sematjam bedak special buat menjembuhkan segala rupa-rupa penyakit seperti : Djerawat, terotolan, ketuwuhan, sariawan dsb. Bedak sariphohatji dibikin dari rupa-rupa daun-daun, buah-buah, akar-akar dan pohon-pohon jang terlebih banjak faedahnja. Lebih djauh Dr,H.Heerdjan dan Dr.Tjoen Hajj Tan sudah periksa dan memberi cartificaat . Jang ini bedak tidak berbahaja. Baik sekali buat obat menghilangkan penyakit kulit muka."

 Di aku sendiri, masker ini bener-bener holy grail banget. Kulitku kan tipe acne-prone kan ya, jadi sering banget jerawatannya. Almost everyday aku pake masker ini biar jerawatnya cepet ilang. Dan syukur, proses tidak mengkhianati hasil. Aku dulu di rekomendasiin sama buku tentang kecantikan korea gitu. Jadi disitu dibilang kalo orang korea suka pake masker tradisional. Dan karena kita di Indonesia. Maka masker tradisional di Indonesia ya salah satunya masker ini. Recomended banget deh masker ini.

Price : around Rp.2.000 or above and below

2. Ovale Facial Mask - Lemon
 Masker ini baru aku pake sekitar bulan kemaren dan aku jatuh cinta banget sama masker ini. Because I'm lemon lovers. Aku suka banget sama lemon karena cepet banget ngilangin jerawatnya. Dan first time nyobain ini, bener-bener berasa maskeran pake buah lemon langsung. Ada rasa 'clekit-clekit' gitu atau perih-perih gitu pas kena jerawat. Lebih berkurang juga jerawatnya sejak pake ini. Tapi efeknya ga secepet kalo pake lemon langsung. Tapi overall puas lah sama masker ini. Hari ini maskernya udah abis tinggal satu nih. Mungkin besok bakal restock lagi ke royal.

They Claims :
 Feel smooth, Fresher, keep firmness. Membantu mencegah dan mengurangi timbulnya jerawat.

Overall, aku suka banget sama masker ini. Karena bukan hanya menghilangkan jerawat. Mencerahkan wajah juga dan mengurangi sebum juga. Wanginya lemon banget. Semacam biskuit lemon maybe. Harganya juga murah meriah dan bisa 2-3 kali pake. Tergantung banyaknya yang kamu pake sih. Dan masker ini gampang banget di cari karena merek drugstore sih. Jadi, so far gampang dicari sih. Worth it banget buat yang acne-prone kayak aku. Recomended mask deh pokoknyaa.

Price : around Rp.7.000 at Boston, Guardian, Local Supermarket, Drugstore.

 3. Etude House I Need You Mask - Korean Ginseng
Tau ga sih manfaatnya korean ginseng for skin ? Woopss.. banyak banget loh manfaatnya. Dan dijamin jatuh cinta beneran deh sama ginseng korea. Karena ginseng korea aslinya mahal banget. Jadi, apalah bila hanya bisa beli dalam bentuk maskernya aja. But, I think it's enough for get the benefit of korean ginseng. Aku sih gatau bau aslinya ginseng kayak gimana. Tapi masker ini baunya herbal banget. Dan kalo udah kering, kadang-kadang ganggu banget baunya. So far sih korean ginseng bagusnya untuk vitalitas keremajaan kulit gitu. Jadi bisa menghambat proses penuaan, bisa mengecilkan pori-pori, menghaluskan kulit dan juga bisa mencerahkan juga. So far sih di aku baru dapet vitalitas kulitnya. Untuk efek mencerahkan, I don't think much. Karena mencerahkan butuh waktu yang lama. Dan ga cuma maskeran doang trus jadi cerah gitu wajahnya. Butuh sleeping mask, masker yang lain dan juga skincare routine yang cocok satu sama lain. Tapi selama masker ini ga menimbulkan masalah, I don't expect too much lah. But at least, I get the benefit of korean ginseng. Dan varian ini susah banget dapetnya. Dulu, sebelum ganti kemasan, masih cukup sering ditemui. Dan beberapa bulan lalu, ke counter etude dan varian ini ga pernah ada. Palingan apa ya dan itupun stoknya dikit banget. Dan akhirnya kemarin aku ketemu lagi di online shop. Aku pun langsung ambil 10 pcs barengan sama varian yang lain juga.

Price : Rp.38.000 at Guardian, Counter Etude House, Online Shop.

Honestly, I still have 4 masks again. But 2 to 4 is untried. Next time, after my acne is get well, I will try again. And I still have 2 masks where I have been try already and I love it so much. But I can't post it because it’s already wasted. I will be back with this topics again. So, see you again... 

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See you again.. in part 2, soon.