Blinking Cute Box Cat Welcome to my world. Still hard work to get my beautiful dreams!

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

[REVIEW] Pond's BB Magic Powder

Jadi ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu aku adain polling di snapgram kira-kira ada yang mau nggak sih untuk aku bikin review bedak yang lagi terkenal ini, dan hasilnya kebanyakan sih mau jadi yasudahlah ya, aku bikinin review buat kalian XD. Sebenernya bedak ini udah aku beli dari desember tahun lalu cuma karena memang aku bukanlah pecinta bedak tabur, jadi baru akhir-akhir ini aja aku mulai pakai. Hmm.. langsung mulai aja ya!

So, a few days ago I held a poll in snapgram, who's wanna me making a review about this face powder that's recently so famous, and the result mostly that's wanna me making a review 'bout this, so this is it, I'm making a review for you guys.  Honestly I've already bought this face powder on last december but because I'm not a face powder lover, so I just started using this recently. Hmm.. let's get started!

Pond's BB Magic Powder Claims :
- Fine texture of BB powder helps to conceal acne scar and blemish on the face.
- Light texture powder.
- Absorbs excess oil on your face.
- Double UV Protection protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays from the sunlight.
( copied from

Aku tidak merasakan efek apapun dari pemakaian bedak tabur ini sih sebenarnya. Lebih ke finishing powder aja tanpa efek lainnya. Karena memang pada dasarnya bedak tabur semacam ini lebih untuk finishing agar makeup jadi lebih awet dan juga mengurangi sebum juga. Wanginya enak, semacam floral gitu. Untuk pemakaian sehari-hari aku cuma pakai dikit saja, trus dipake menggunakan face brush maupun blush brush juga bisa. Dengan harga murah, ini patut dicoba sih. Tapi jangan mengharapkan bakal dapat efek di wajah yang gimana-gimana sih karena di kulitku, bedak ini hanya berguna untuk setting powder aja, warnanya juga cenderung transparan bagiku.

I don't feel an effect from using this face powder, for honestly. It's more likely to finishing powder without have any other effect. Because basically, face powder is more likely for finishing powder for making your makeup long lasting and also reducing sebum on your face. It smells good, kind of floral. For daily use, I just using it slightly, then applying it with face brush or you can use blush brush. With affordable price, it's worth it to try. But don't ever hope to getting an special effect from this face powder, because in my skin, this face powder just useful to setting powder, and also this powder is more likely have a transparent color for me.

Rating : 4 / 5
Price : 30 Baht / IDR 50.000 (depending on where you buy it)

I hope you enjoying my short review, actually I just say what I feel
I hope I can writing a more review next time
See you again.

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